
Suited Up


Scarf: H&M 
Suit: via TJ Maxx
Bag: Charlie Lapson
Earrings: BaubleBar

Contrary to popular opinion, I am alive and sort of well.  Jet lag really took a toll on me, and before I was even over it, Thanksgiving was upon us.  Thank goodness I took these pictures before we left for France because I have no idea when we'll be able to take any others.  Our trip was amazing and left us wanting to go back as soon as possible.  My husband was actually making plans online today, so we might be traveling more in the not so distant future.  One thing preventing that potentially is that I am still job-less.  I had a really great interview also before we left, and I know that the company has checked with my references, so I'm hoping that is a good sign, and I'll hear something soon.  I am starting to fit in a lot of the little things that I always thought it would be fun to do if I wasn't working during the day but never really got around to in the last 10 months.  I can't believe it's been 10 months; time really does fly.  

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