Jacket: H&M
Pants: Target
Shirt: Ralph Lauren
Boots: MIA (Similar)
Bag: Celine
Bracelet: JewelMint
Have you ever noticed that sometimes just as you are feeling really great about something, something happens that sets you back? Maybe it's a lesson in not having too much pride. Maybe it's just me being way too critical of myself. Does everyone do this? Do even really successful people sink into self-doubt at the worst times? Things are going along great, it's all clicking together and then, boom, a setback. Maybe it's just a minor one, but it's so easy for it to become the excuse for second guessing and, suddenly, everything comes to a screeching halt. The last week was full of some setbacks for me. I've dwelt on it a lot, and even though I was having some successes in other parts of my life, I let the setbacks overwhelm me. Instead of celebrating some good things that were happening, I let the other stuff take over. Now that I realize what I've been doing, I'm moving on. No more pity parties. No more analysis paralysis. No more procrastination because if I make a decision, it might be the wrong one. I'm moving forward again. The last thing I do whenever I leave the house is put on some lipgloss. That means that I'm ready to go. So now I have my lipgloss on again, and I'm ready to go.
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