Stitch Fix
3/21/2012I was so excited today to come home to my first box from Stitch Fix. Stitch Fix is a new styling service which lets everyone have the luxury of having a personal stylist for a very affordable price. For just $20 which is applied as credit if you make any purchases, you can receive a shipment containing five pieces which have picked especially for you taking into consideration your body type, your lifestyle, whether you would like them to send work or casual clothes or a mixture of both, your color and pattern preferences and any help you want in branching out in a new style direction like Boho Chic or Romantic. I was impressed at how thorough the questionnaire process is. They really dig into what you like or dislike or where you need help with your current wardrobe. You do have to be really honest about your current sizes and weight or else the pieces you receive won't fit. Also, you have until the Monday following the receipt of the shipment to package what you don't want to keep back into the free shipping envelope and make sure it gets postmarked. But free shipping both ways! The think I absolutely loved and didn't expect when I opened the box was that each piece comes with a card attached showing the piece styled two different ways. It perfectly shows you how to fit everything into your existing wardrobe and really makes it feel like you have a personal stylist. Another great advantage, with the $20 styling fee applied as a credit, and an additional 25% discount if you buy all five pieces, the discounts more than paid for the most expensive item and more in my shipment. I thought everything in the box was amazing especially the Aryn K ruffle blouse and the THML cardigan. This could totally become addictive.