Giveaway from Cult of Pretty
7/08/2011If you don't already follow Cult of Pretty, you should. Today she's giving away a great Urban Decay pallete. See the reblog here and good luck:

Guess what?
I love you. You, and this palette. It’s GIVEAWAY time!
It’s rare that I see a cult classic becoming a cult classic before my very eyes, but that’s what’s up with the Urban Decay Naked Palette.
This set comes with 12 amazing eyeshadows from shimmer to matte (love matte!) plus a surprisingly high quality dual sided brush and an Eyeshadow Primer Potion. I think you might be set for life if you win this. It’s finally back in stock now at Sephora for $48, but I’ll send it to you if you’re the randomly selected winner.
Here it is in all its glory (it’s surprisingly big actually):

Deets… TO ENTER:
1. Do ONE of the following…. reblog this post OR follow Cult of Pretty on Bloglovin’ ORfollow Cult of Pretty on tumblr OR subscribe via email.
2. Leave a comment below with what color you’ll be trying first if you win and which task you completed. You can say the color number (from left to right) or describe it. They have names but let’s not go there. If you’re reading this on tumblr, clickthrough to the blog to comment.
Good luck. Thanks for all the love, support and questions you’ve sent my way since I started this blog. This giveaway is from my naked heart!
Contest ends next Friday July 15th, 2011 at 12am Eastern.
Top image via Pour La Vie.