
Turning the Page


Dress: DKNY (old but similar here)
Blouse: via Stitchfix (old but love this Gucci blouse)

The last time I updated the blog was in March, and we were right on the cusp of making some huge life-changing decisions. Since some of the details were still being worked out, I couldn't share our news, but now that we've made it through the other side, let me fill you in.

In February while looking at investment property in Las Vegas, we decided that we wanted to move there ourselves. There are a lot of reasons why this was a very good move for us, but it is a decision that we came to pretty quickly. In a true show of trusting and having faith and believing that if it was meant to be, the details would work themselves out, that's exactly what happened for us. 

We quickly found our dream house at a price lower than our budget, and the seller quickly accepted our offer. I told my firm I was moving, and they arranged my transfer to our Las Vegas office. My client didn't want to lose me on the engagement I've been on since March of 2014 so offered me a telecommuting arrangement that has me working out of the house 95% of the time. My daughter made the deadline for applying to the school she chose and was accepted. At that point, we truly felt blessed.

Before it sounds too perfect, let's be real: there are some things I would have done differently in hindsight. Although our escrow closed in April, we chose to stay in California until the end of the school year. That was the absolute right choice, but it meant that we decided to move in several small trips over April, May and June. That was very stressful and a huge effort, and by June I felt like I didn't live in either place but was visiting both. We should have bit the bullet and done it all at once. It also made me delay packing, so the last June move was way too stressful, rushed and disorganized. 

We had preplanned a three week vacation in France for the end of July and first half of August. When we left for vacation, we were still surrounded by boxes and because we had planned before we decided to move, it conflicted with the start of the school year. A missed the first 10 days of school at a new school in all honors and AP classes. The next three weeks were horrible for her trying to get caught up enough to understand her current assignments and make up all her work. She's done an amazing job though. 

We are still getting settle into our new routine. The gnarly old guy is now the primary caregiver of A and me, a stay-at-home dad and house husband while working on our small businesses to get them up and running. He has quite a full plate. 

I'm happy to say that even with the extended holiday and lots of moving meals (Freddy's burgers are my absolute favorite and don't get me started on a concrete!), I've only gained 4 pounds. I'm back into the grind of working out and cutting carbs.

I'm loving that not only did I get rid of my 3 hour a day commute, I have no commute except walking up the stairs and that's letting me get back into working on the blogs and our businesses with D. I hope that you'll be seeing more content here as well as on The Bespoke Stylist and The Bespoke Lifestyle. We are very excited to be launching our online store very soon, so please stay tuned.

This flat lay was one of the final outfits I wore to the office before we moved. I love layering blouses under shift dresses, and this DKNY purchase has become a central piece of my work wardrobe. 

Update on my goals:

Today's workout: Walking
Water intake: 8 glasses!!!!
Current weight: 172.4 (+3.6)
Leisure: Lots of crafting

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