
Check Mark


Sometimes the hardest part of gaining weight is remembering that you've gained weight: that you have a new normal. I often hear people say something similar about aging: I don't feel 50; I keep forgetting I'm not in my 20s anymore, etc.

At times, I'm reminded of it: when I can feel my thighs rubbing together as I walk or that there's a little more there when I rest my arms at my side, but at other times, I'm wonderfully obtuse about my weight.

Then I try to wear something or I do indeed wear something that I really shouldn't. It's not that it's too tight, or too short, or even age inappropriate; it's just not flattering. Sometimes it's the outfits I choose that I think will mask things that are the ones that go the most horribly wrong.

Baggy sheath dresses and tops that used to be a wardrobe staple of mine now create more bulk. As hard as it can be sometimes, tailored is better even if it's just wearing a dress with buttons and cuffs. But I keep telling myself that I had a lifetime before this to learn what looked good on me. Just take a little time and you'll figure this out, too, I say. Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone has days where it just doesn't come together.

Pumps: Just Fab
Necklace: Old but similar here

And every time something works, I store it away to remember it for next time. It's all just a work in progress.

Update on my goals:

Today's workout: Yoga
Water intake: 9 glasses
Current weight: 169.8 (-2.6)
Leisure: Marathoning the last season of Downton Abbey

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