June Empties / Origins, Lush, Victoria's Secret, It Cosmetics
I wrote about my love for the Lush Bubbly Shower Gel in my May favorites here. Unlike the Origins hair mask below, I've been rationing this knowing I wouldn't be able to get a replacement. I though the Yuzu and Cocoa would be a good fill in, but no. I'm going to try The Olive Branch instead.
This Origins Rich Rewards Moisture Treatment for Hair has been sitting in my shower for about two years – not empty – I'm not that bad. I went through a phase where I couldn't get enough of it and was wearing the mask at least twice a week. Then I started feeling like I wasn't getting the same results with it, so I started using it less and less until it just sat in the shower all neglected. I finally used it again a few weeks ago to see if I would fall in love with it again and alas no. This will be the first time in years that I don't have one open and in use.
Finally, another item hanging around on my vanity for-EVER was this Victoria's Secret Love Spell Fragrance Mist I mean just look at the packaging in my photo compared to the online product photo. Ancient. I do like to have a fragrance mist on hand for the warmer summer months, but this was a little too I don't even know what for me. It's not that it was overly floral just maybe not spicy enough? Anyway I finished it off the week that it was 117(!) here.