
Paring Down


Skirt: J Crew

Bag: Chanel

So much has happened in the last week.  I got a new job (yay!) and realized that the long list of things I've been trying to get done is still pretty long, and I'd really like to cross most of these things off before I'm back into 8 hour plus work days.  I received the offer on Monday, so I spent most of the rest of that day figuring out what I could get done, making lists, and running to the store for some supplies.  The rest of the week, I've been making progress.  Why is it that as you are reorganizing, sometimes things look worse before they get better?  

One of the things on my list has been reorganizing by closet.  Now my closet is pretty structured already as I've organized it by type of clothing and then color, but I decided I'd like to split it in two and have one section for work things and one for more casual options.  That made me really think about the changes my wardrobe has gone through in the last three years.  After trying to change - adding color, new cuts, etc., lately I've been making a conscious effort to cut down and cut back  That has me focusing on what I feel is my style - pencil skirts and slim cashmere sweaters, statement necklaces, and pointy heels.  All of the items above are things that have made that cut.  And everything is black, grey, white or navy with occasional colorful accessories.  I can't even express how doing this has made me breathe a sigh of relief.  It's so much simpler for me to have a uniform of set pieces to work from.  Do you have a uniform that you go back to time and again?  

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